About The Pilots Depot

The Pilots Depot is an online retail outlet that sells quality pilot supplies, aviation-related supplies and gifts.

The Pilots Depot is a Veteran-owned and operated business. Our principles and staff are former and retired military pilots, aviator, and aircrew who have served careers in all four branches of the military and in the airlines. Most are CFI’s or commercial airline transport pilots, military pilots, navigators, flight crew and airmen. When you contact us, you can be sure you are getting service and support from people who have spent most of their lives in the aviation field. We know what you want, and we know that you don’t want to pay any more than you have to.

What we want at The Pilots Depot is for the aviation industry to begin thriving again. After being hard by the after effects of 911 and the Great Recession, aviation has never been the same. It is more expensive to get into an airplane and sustain either one’s flying habit or the pursuit of a career. Our philosophy is that we don’t want you to spend any more of your hard-earned money than you absolutely have to for pilot supplies. We want you to spend what you save with us on getting back into the air where you want to be, working on that next ticket and flying as much as possible. We all should do our share, and every little bit helps.

The Pilots Depot sells you the same high quality merchandise as all the other online stores at what we believe are the lowest prices anywhere online. We’re small, thereby able to eliminate all that overhead to give you the best price. We don’t charge you hidden fees or inflate our shipping charges to match our egos. We also don’t charge your credit card until we’ve shipped your order and don’t charge re-stocking fees for returned merchandise! We also offer free shipping on many items and on orders over a given purchase amount.

We’ve designed The Flight Depot with you, the flyer, the aviator, the men and women of the air in mind. We also designed it for students and for anyone with the dream of someday slipping the surly bonds of earth. We feel we are an excellent resource for educational materials used in studying for the private pilot’s certificate or any additional FAA pilot certificates or ratings.

You’ll notice we don’t carry a bazillion products, but we do carry a wide range of the products most commonly purchased by pilots. That’s because our years in retail aviation have taught us what people who fly buy regularly. So, the products you see on our site are those that are most commonly purchased and are the best buy for the money. That said, if you want something and you don’t see it on our site, we will get it for you at no extra charge. Simply phone or email us and we’ll take care of it.

We hope you will keep checking back and enjoy shopping with us!

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Our Process


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Idea & Concept

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Design & Production​

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Sales & Service​

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